Attorneys office Aasa-Law Ltd.
Our office is located right in the center of Helsinki, close to great transport links. Come visit us and talk about your case! Our office is open every weekday from 9 AM to 4 PM.
You can enter by using the doorbell located on the left side of the outer door. The doorbell is activated by pressing the button, after which you can choose from the options displayed on the screen. You can navigate using the arrow keys, and when you reach the "Aasa Law Oy" text, press the doorbell button. The doorbell will start ringing, and shortly after, someone from our office will open the door for you via remote access. Our office is located on the fifth floor, and you can reach it either by stairs or by elevator.
Vuorikatu 6 A 12, 00100 Helsinki
+358 9 612 9240
Business ID